Customer Technical Support AudioCodes provides direct customers with AudioCodes Customer Technical Support (ACTS) that includes around the clock access to our technical experts; software upgrades and updates; and RMA warranty and hardware replacement options. Our Global Support provides support expertise as well as local presence around the world.
Technical Training AudioCodes offers a full range of technical training courses at its Training Centers in six different locations worldwide. AudioCodes also provides training courses at customer premises upon request.
Support Contract Renewals Ensure continuous support for your AudioCodes products by renewing your maintenance contract before it expires. Annual technical support services can be renewed for one or more years. To renew your contract(s), please request a quote from your preferred AudioCodes reseller or purchasing source or fill out our Support Quotation Request form by selecting the Request Quote button below.
Repair Information AudioCodes offers a complete set of hardware replacement services to provide cost-effective repair and replacement options for all AudioCodes products, including hardware Return and Repair (R&R) services for most products for customers wi(more...)
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